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 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:35 pm 
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Poll: For First Time Majority of Americans Say Obama Not Respected On World Stage
For obvious reasons.

For the first time, more than half of the United States public said President Obama is not respected by other world leaders, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

The new poll indicates 53 percent said Obama is not respected on the world stage compared to 41 percent who said he is respected.

Gallup notes the public’s opinion has shifted significantly in the last year. In 2013, 51 percent said Obama was respected internationally while 43 percent said he wasn’t.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:42 pm 
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Black Pastor: Obama ‘Has Done More To Hurt The American People Than Any Other President’
Not every black preacher is Jeremiah Wright or Al Sharpton.
During a press conference on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., to announce a signature campaign to impeach U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Rev. Bill Owens said President Barack Obama has “hurt the American people.”

“We’re on a downward road,” Owens, who is founder and president of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), said at the event at the National Press Club. “And this president has done more to hurt the American people than any president, as I see it, in my lifetime and in history.”

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:46 pm 
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Leading Texan Democratic Senate Candidate Compares Obama To Hitler
If only she was a Republican, then MSNBC could spend an entire week dwelling over it.

In what has to be a blow for Democratic partisans who were convinced that state Sen. Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) can single-handedly turn the Lone Star State blue in November, the Texas Democratic Party appears to be on the verge of tarnishing its reputation. According to a poll conducted by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune, the frontrunner to face likely incumbent Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in November is Kesha Rogers. She is also somewhat… unhinged.

Originally flagged by HotAir’s Guy Benson, the poll shows Rogers leading her nearest opponent in the race to face Cornyn, Dallas area dentist David Alameel, by 8 points – outside the poll’s 6.04 percent margin of error.

But Democrats might be careful what they wish for…

“As an acolyte of perennial presidential fringe candidate Lyndon LaRouche, she believes the U.S. economy is secretly controlled by a cabal of London financial institutions,” wrote Dallas Morning News reporter Nick Swartsell in December. “She’s paraded around Houston with a giant picture of Obama sporting a Hitler mustache and compared the Affordable Care Act to 1930s-era Nazi eugenics policies.”

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:19 pm 
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Gallup: Obama’s Disapproval Rating Hits All-Time High, 56%
Crash and burn!

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:25 pm 
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La Raza Turns On Obama, Calls Him The “Deporter-In-Chief”
If only he were the "Deporter-in-Chief" ... millions of AMERICANS would be a little more at ease.

President Barack Obama has lost the nation’s largest Latino advocacy organization.

The National Council of La Raza is set to declare Obama “the deporter-in-chief” and demand that he take unilateral action to stop deportations.

NCLR, the nation’s largest Latino advocacy organization, had been the last significant progressive grass-roots immigration-reform organization publicly defending the White House immigration stance. NCLR President Janet Murguía will on Tuesday night demand Obama put a halt to his administration’s deportations.

“For the president, I think his legacy is at stake here,” Murguía said in an interview in advance of NCLR’s annual Capital Awards dinner, where she will deliver a speech lambasting Obama’s deportation policy. “We consider him the deportation president, or the deporter-in-chief.”

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:05 pm 
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Poll: Just 11% of Black Youths Say Life Is Better For Them Under Obama
So much for “hope and change.”

President Obama is going to have to do a whole lot more than promise to make things better for young blacks under his new “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, because 71 percent of voters in a new poll say life for the group is the same or worse than before he came into office.

Rasmussen Reports reveals that just 16 percent of likely voters believe life for young blacks has improved since Obama’s 2008 election, while 22 percent say it has gotten worse. Some 49 percent said nothing has changed.

Among blacks, some of the results are worse, with just 11 percent believing life has gotten better for African American youths over the past five years. On the slightly positive side, only 8 percent believe it has gotten worse.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:23 pm 
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Toronto’s Crack-Smoking Mayor Continues To Have A Higher Approval Rating Than Obama
I can see this, at least Ford is honest, quite a distinctive difference from Obama.
Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford may have been caught on tape smoking crack, acting embarrassingly drunk, and being ruthlessly mocked on late night television, but he still has a higher approval rating than President Barack Obama.

A poll released by Forum Research Inc. Friday found 42 per cent of Toronto voters approve of Ford compared to 58 per cent who do not. Meanwhile, the most recent survey of Obama’s approval rating conducted by Gallup last week found 40 per cent of voters approve of the president and 54 per cent do not. Obama can at least take consolation in the fact his disapproval rating is slightly better than Ford’s.

These numbers do not reflect the impact of a new video that reportedly shows Ford slurring his speech outside of Toronto City Hall Saturday night. Ford deflected questions about that clip while participating in a St. Patrick’s Day parade in the city Sunday.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:04 am 
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Carter Criticizes Drone Use, Domestic Spying Under Obama
Carter is happy Obama came along, so he, Carter, is no longer considered the worst ever.

Former President Jimmy Carter on Sunday criticized the Obama administration’s surveillance efforts, saying the country’s uses of drones has been “abused” and that he communicates by mail with foreign leaders for fear his electronic correspondences are being watched.

“I have felt that my own communications are probably monitored,” the former Democratic president told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “And when I want to communicate with a foreign leader privately, I type or write the letter myself, put it in the post office and mail it, because I believe if I send an email, it will be monitored.”

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:25 pm 
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CNN Poll: Just 12% Say Obamacare a Success
Note to Dems up for re-election: Listen to your leaders (Pelosi, Reid, DWS) and run on Obamacare.

Just 12 percent of Americans say that the Affordable Care Act has been a success, according to a new CNN poll. At the same time, the percentage of newly enrolled Americans who had previously been uninsured did not increase, according to a McKinsey & Co. report.

“Enrollment rates remained much lower among those previously uninsured than among those previously insured (13 percent vs. 90 percent in our April survey, for example),” the report said.

President Barack Obama has urged Democratic candidates to campaign on his signature healthcare law, which, while on the books for four years, continues to be unpopular, Breitbart reported.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:55 pm 
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Poll: Obama’s Unpopularity, Obamacare Dragging Down Democrats In Midterm Elections
I wonder if Obama’s massively overinflated ego allows him to comprehend he isn’t popular?

WASHINGTON – Deep dissatisfaction with President Obama and the health care law is dragging down Democrats heading toward this year’s midterm elections, with voters favoring Republicans in House and Senate races across the country, a new poll showed.

Voters in congressional districts and states that will decide the election say they prefer a Republican over a Democrat by a 7-point margin, 41 percent to 34 percent, with 25 percent undecided, said a poll conducted by GfK for Politico.

The survey found that voters in these battlegrounds disapprove of Mr. Obama’s job performance by 60 percent and nearly half support the full repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

The polling results confirm the widespread view among political strategists and officials form both parties that Republicans are poised to retain control of the House and pick up the six net Senate seats needed to seize the majority in the upper chamber.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:50 am 
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AP Poll: Obamacare Approval Rating A Microscopic 28%
Only the KoolAid drinkers are left...Right chuck?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama celebrated when sign-ups for his health care law topped 8 million, far exceeding expectations after a slipshod launch. Most Americans, however, remain unimpressed.

A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds that public opinion continues to run deeply negative on the Affordable Care Act, Obama’s signature effort to cover the uninsured. Forty-three percent oppose the law, compared with just 28 percent in support.

The pattern illustrates why the health care law remains a favored target for Republicans seeking a Senate majority in the midterm elections.

The poll does have a bright spot for the administration: Those who signed up for coverage aren’t reeling from sticker shock. Most said they found premiums in line with what they expected, or even lower.

But even that was diminished by another finding: More than one-third of those who said they or someone in their household tried to enroll, were ultimately unable to do so. For the White House, it’s an uncomfortable reminder of the technical problems that paralyzed the website for weeks after it went live last fall.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:26 pm 
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Dems Privately Calling Obama “Detached,” “Flat Footed,” “Incompetent”
These people are obviously racists.

CNN’s John King said the tone among Democrats behind closed doors on President Obama’s handling of the V.A. scandal is “scathing.”

“Forget for a moment that Republican outrage,” he said Sunday morning. “More and more Democrats in key 2014 races are calling for the president to get a spine, they say, and fire his Veterans Affairs secretary. And what more and more Democrats are saying privately is scathing, calling the president and his team detached, flat footed, even incompetent.”

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:04 pm 
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That’s Gotta Hurt: New Poll Shows Americans Believe George W. Bush Is More Competent Than Obama
Then there are those of us who've known the truth all along.

Throughout the eight years of the George W. Bush presidency, Democrats mocked George W. Bush’s purported lack of intelligence. Indeed, many still attack Bush with vile epithets implying his stupidity to this day.

However, as with most Obama narratives, reality has caught up. A new poll from Fox News finds that most Americans view George W. Bush as more competent than Barack Obama.

The question from the poll: “Do you think the Obama administration is more or less competent than the George W. Bush administration?”

More competent: 42%
Less competent: 48%
Same as: 7%
Don’t know: 3%

In addition, a few more items from the poll: “Has the Obama administration made America stronger or weaker?”

Stronger: 35%
Weaker: 55%

And finally: Do You Approve or Disapprove of the Job Barack Obama is Doing as President?

Approve: 40%
Disapprove: 54%

What took the American people so long to figure out that a radical community organizer with almost zero real-world qualifications is not a suitable pick for leading the most powerful, prosperous nation on the planet?

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:24 am 
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“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: Obama approval Ratings fall to New LOW
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:15 pm 
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Obama Speaks Before Mostly Empty Venue While Campaigning For Dem In Pennsylvania
Obama’s giant ego takes another direct hit from a heat-seeking missile.

President Barack Obama delivered remarks Sunday for a Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate at a venue that was largely empty.

According to the White House pool report, Obama spoke at a basketball court that was partitioned in half with several hundred seats noticeably vacant. Moreover, the press even noticed some empty space on the floor.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

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