Northwest Indiana Discussion

For all the...
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Author:  chuckmo48 [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For all the...

comedian wrote:
edge540 wrote:
racists, this is for you. Enjoy:
You're the one who enjoys this along with Chuck.

Nope...just enjoying your fellow rethuglicons showing what they are really made of...the old shooting fish in the barrel thing... so easy and predictable...

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For all the...

chuckmo48 wrote:
comedian wrote:
edge540 wrote:
racists, this is for you. Enjoy:
You're the one who enjoys this along with Chuck.

Nope...just enjoying your fellow rethuglicons showing what they are really made of...the old shooting fish in the barrel thing... so easy and predictable...

Nah!The funny part is that liberal democrats, who like to play it as though the are the party of love and tolerance, now want to demonize a Presidential candidate for being a Mormon while they act like it is not an act of religious intolerance.

Don't any of the board's conservatives let the liberals get away with this travesty!

They are just like Barry, cheating does NOT matter as long as the liberal democrats are the only ones allowed to get away with it.

And we all know it, they just lie to themselves.

How many times have we seen these jokers try this maneuver in the past 3.75 years?

Barry is an abject failure... un-elect him for the just cause that he is an abject failure who has foundered so greatly as to challenge the Jimmah Carter Administration for the Worst Presidency Ever.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For all the...


NBC forced to apologise after ill-timed ad features
a monkey doing gymnastics right after showing Gabby
Douglas' gold medal victory

Daily Mail

NBC has become the centre of a race storm after airing an ad featuring a monkey performing gymnastics, right after showing the performance of Gabby Douglas, the first African-American to win Olympic gold. The network has since apologised for the advert's poor timing, explaining: 'No offense was intended.' The controversy ignited as sportscaster Bob Costas wrapped his analysis of her incredible routine during the all-around competition last night.(Snip)The broadcast then went to a commercial break, showing an advertisement featuring a monkey wearing a gymnastics uniform and performing a rings gymnastics event. The unintentional, but poorly-timed ad was for Animal

Image ... ctory.html

Author:  karent [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For all the...

Animal Practice looks stupid - probably won't even watch the first show.

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