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 Post subject: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:07 am 
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Dearborn, Michigan: America's First
Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave?

American Thinker, by Andrew G. Bostom

Yesterday, (4/29/11) a Muslim mob of 50, disturbingly reminiscent of their co-religionists across a vast swath of official Islamdom, breached the security cordon at the City Hall in Dearborn, Michigan separating them from their speechifying nemesis, Pastor Terry Jones, ...breaking a barricade, throwing water bottles and shoes. Fortunately,Riot police restored order within minutes and took at least two people into custody. Not surprisingly, this convulsive effort by local Dearborn Muslims to violently suppress "anti-Islamic" free speech was abetted by the craven dhimmitude of a useful idiot politician, Dearborn's mayor John B. O'Reilly, Jr., and worse still, ... s_fir.html

watch the helicopter footage of these animals.

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:29 pm 
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Moby Grape wrote:
Dearborn, Michigan: America's First
Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave?

American Thinker, by Andrew G. Bostom

Yesterday, (4/29/11) a Muslim mob of 50, disturbingly reminiscent of their co-religionists across a vast swath of official Islamdom, breached the security cordon at the City Hall in Dearborn, Michigan separating them from their speechifying nemesis, Pastor Terry Jones, ...breaking a barricade, throwing water bottles and shoes. Fortunately,Riot police restored order within minutes and took at least two people into custody. Not surprisingly, this convulsive effort by local Dearborn Muslims to violently suppress "anti-Islamic" free speech was abetted by the craven dhimmitude of a useful idiot politician, Dearborn's mayor John B. O'Reilly, Jr., and worse still, ... s_fir.html

watch the helicopter footage of these animals.

It's time to send them all to meet the PIG allah

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance,
and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:09 am 
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US Shariah Infiltrations (Part 3 of 3)
Creators Syndicate Inc., by Chuck Norris

Five years ago, Donald Van Duyn, then the deputy assistant director of the FBI's counterterrorism division, warned us: "Islamic radicalization ... (exists) nationwide. Key to the success of stopping the spread of radicalization is identifying patterns and trends in the early stages." Van Duyn was exactly right.

In Part 2, I showed five examples of Shariah infiltration in U.S. domestic violence, jurisprudence, commerce and government access and legislation. As you read these next five points of evidence in my top 10, ask yourself: Are there any "patterns and trends" emerging here, as well?

5) We should not be naive to foreign Islamic extremists' work within our country — a vast network that the FBI has documented well. Just one example of a bubble that surfaced from that underground network occurred during the raid and seizure of secret documents at the Annandale, Va., house of one extremist leader, Ismail Selim Elbarasse. As documented in P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry's investigative exposé, "Muslim Mafia," one letter found there was written by Mohammed Akram Adlouni, a Muslim Brotherhood boss. It described the plans for U.S. takeover and replacing the Constitution with Shariah. Under the heading "The role of the Muslim Brother in North America," it states: "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by the hands of believers, so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions."


Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:06 am 
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Sharia Lobby Shifts into 5th Gear
Big Peace, by Alyssa A. Lappen


Sharia advocates desperately want to convince legislators and the public that Islamic law is plain vanilla — and totally nonthreatening to existing U.S. legal codes. Notwithstanding a nationwide Muslim Brotherhood-backed pro-sharia push, nothing could be further from the truth.

“There are many unpleasant doctrines within Islam,” including its “repugnant” criminal code, honor killings, female genital cutting, and a Quranic verse Muslim clerics often cite, proclaiming “wives as a tilth unto you” (2:223), to deny the existence of marital rape. [1]

So allowed sharia professor Sadiq Reza at an Aug. 25-26 New York Law School (NYLS) conference. Any attempt to enforce its criminal code, he added, “would violate Constitutional law.” He insisted, though, that western Muslims don’t “favor” these aspects of Islam and none seek to impose them. Evidence that they do abounds (here, here, here, here, here) but Reza said his broad web search found none.

Northwestern University Islamic law professor Kristen Stilt, too, disdained sharia criticism as “lunacy.” And University of Toronto Islamic law professor Mohammed Fadel referred the audience to a glossy, Soros-funded condemnation of skeptics, breathlessly entitled “Fear, Inc.” to persuade the gullible.

read more: ... -5th-gear/


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2011.09.09 (Barkin Ladi, Nigeria) - A Christian father and his seven young children are among nine shot to death in a Muslim raid on their home.
2011.09.08 (Heart, Afghanistan) - Sunni bombers take down an engineer and two other employees at a construction company.
2011.09.07 (New Delhi, India) - Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami cadres use a suitcase bomb to murder thirteen others outside a packed courtroom.
2011.09.07 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Twin suicide bombers send over two dozen souls to Allah including a woman and three children.
2011.09.06 (Yala, Thailand) - Islamists kill a 38-year-old Buddhist teacher, then set his body on fire.
2011.09.06 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A 9-year-old boy is among the victims of two attacks by Muslim gunmen, one at a teahouse.

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:25 pm 
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Learning the Wrong Lessons From
the Fort Hood Massacre

American Thinker, by Scott Swett

Submission to Islam has been institutionalized by our national security apparatus. The official handling of the Fort Hood massacre proves the case.

On November 5, 2009, Major Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist who had previously served at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, shot 45 of his fellow soldiers at the deployment center at Fort Hood in Texas, killing thirteen. It was the most deadly shooting attack ever on an American military base. Maj. Hasan, who had been scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan, was charged with murder and attempted murder, but not terrorism. His court-martial will begin next month. Meanwhile, Maj. Hasan continues to receive military pay, as well as free medical care and legal representation from the Army.

Immediately after the shootings, President Obama called Hasan's actions "inexplicable" and suggested that he may have "cracked" under stress.

The media followed suit,


A ticking bomb

During his residency at Walter Reed, Nidal Hasan was asked to prepare a scholarly presentation on psychiatric issues. Instead, he produced a completely off-topic lecture that failed to include a single medical or psychiatric term. In it, he wrote that the Qur'an teaches that unbelievers should have their heads cut off and be set on fire

Read more: ... z1ncELyjTz

In it, he wrote that the Qur'an teaches that unbelievers should have their heads cut off and be set on fire

DUMBO calls this ''workplace violence''

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:01 pm 
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The Threat of Sharia and the
Leadership of America’s Two Parties

FrontPage Magazine, by Eric Allen Bell

Imagine you were a teenage girl in Pakistan, and your parents married you off very young. The marriage is a disaster but you have no rights. You flee with your daughter to the U.S., you hide out for two years until the detective he hires finds you. In Pakistan, under the Islamic law there, the means of obtaining a divorce is only available to a man, but never of course to a woman. He demands full custody of your daughter. Oh, and he’s accused you of adultery.

You consider flying to Pakistan, to contest the divorce, but adultery is a crime under Islamic Law in Pakistan, a crime which is punishable by death. You will literally be arrested the moment you de-board the plane, in Karachi. You could face prison time, or even be stoned to death. And in Pakistan, your testimony under Islamic law is worth only half that of a man’s. Then you remember, you’re in America now and you have rights.

So, you petition the American courts, filing for a real divorce. But unfortunately, your husband has a Pakistani judge as an expert witness who he flies in to testify in the Maryland court – and the judge accepts his view of Shariah’s “best interests of the child” as the same as Maryland’s “best interests of the child. You and your daughter are simply outgunned.

And to your surprise, you find out that the American courts have been convinced to bow to Islamic Law (the Sharia), and you are now without any money, you have lost your home, and you have even lost your daughter.

Does this sound just too crazy to be true – like something that just could not happen in America? In fact, this kind of reckless disregard for American law, in American courts, is actually more common than one might think. This scenario resembles what happened to one woman in Maryland, and it’s happening all over the country.

In the case of Joohi Hosain of Maryland, the court shockingly abandoned American standards, in making their ruling. The court ruling stated that the best interests of the child should be determined not by American law, but by applying Pakistani customs and an adherence to Islamic standards. ... o-parties/

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:27 pm 
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Tiny just called mr grape crazy, LOL:
Chris Christie slams fearmongering over Sharia law

New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie defended his decision to nominate a Muslim judge to the state Superior Court against conservative critics who warned that the new judge will implement Sharia law. The notoriously blunt-spoken Christie calling their fears "crap" and "crazy."

The appointee, Sohail Mohammed, is an American attorney who offered legal aid to New Jersey residents who were suspected after the 9/11 terrorist attacks but were later found innocent of any crimes.

Opponents of Mohammed's nomination have issued warnings, with no evidence, that Christie's nominee, if approved, would base his rulings on Islamic law. Christie was having none of it.

"Sharia law has nothing to do with this at all. It's crazy. It's crazy," Christie said at a press conference Wednesday. "The guy's an American citizen who has been an admitted lawyer to practice in the state of New Jersey, swearing an oath to uphold the laws of New Jersey, the constitution of the state of New Jersey, and the Constitution of the United States of America . . . .This Sharia law business is crap. It's just crazy. And I'm tired of dealing with the crazies."

"Get government out of my Medicare!"- A typical conservative moron who votes republican

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:37 pm 
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Chris Christie Calls The Obamacare Medicaid Expansion 'Extortion'

Read more: ... z24mUFlxqm

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:14 pm 
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DUMBO sucks al-qaeda dick

sharia...NOT the 1st Amendment...

courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama and every worthless mutherfucker that voted for him

Obama submits to Brotherhood,
asks for suppression of anti-
Islam video

Daily Caller, by Neil Munro

President Barack Obama has bowed to the Muslim Brotherhood’s demand that the federal government suppress a satirical video of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad.

Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told the Washington Post that the White House has “reached out to YouTube to call the video to their attention and ask them to review whether it violates their terms of use.”

The request complies with the Sept. 13 demand and threat by the brotherhood, which now governs the Arab’s world’s largest country, Egypt.

“Hurting the feelings of one and a half billion Muslims cannot be tolerated, and… we demand that all those involved in such crimes be urgently brought to trial,” according to an English-language statement on the brotherhood’s website.

The brotherhood’s demand included a threat of additional violence during Obama’s re-election campaign.

“The people’s anger and fury for their Faith is invariably predictable, often unstoppable,” said the website.

Read more: ... z26TdXBDby

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:08 pm 
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Would you then classify Utah as America's First Mormon Enclave?

How Utah's Capitol marches to a Mormon beat
But lawmakers concede that the state's predominant faith is directly involved on a few select issues, such as immigration, alcohol, gambling and gay rights —Â and a nod of approval from the LDS hierarchy is usually needed for bills affecting those areas to proceed.


I will lock her up! (DIDN'T HAPPEN)
I will repeal Obamacare (DIDN'T HAPPEN)
I will make Mexico to pay for the wall. (NO...WE ARE)
I will surround myself with the best people! (MOST ARE UNDER INVESTIGATION)

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:44 am 
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Middle East Mayhem: Congrats Obama,You Built That
Townhall, by Doug Giles

Remember back in the beginning of 2011 when Obama told us about the freedom lovers in Egypt and Libya living under the oppression of dictators and needing our immediate help to establish democracy in their fair lands?

You do? So do I. How weird. We should become best friends. Facebook me.

Anyway … it turns out that the “freedom lovers” Obama coerced lots of Americans to rally behind (and whom he also pimped out with billions of sawbucks from America’s pitiful piggy bank) were bat crap crazy.

I’m talking crazy on steroids crazy—and not just peaceful crazy like Joe Biden but rather hide-sharp-objects-from-them, menopausal wolverine sow crazy.

Yep, these “yearners for democracy” turned out to be radicals of radicals who’d like nothing more than to eradicate the U.S. and Israel and establish a global bounce house for all things Muslim.

Whoopsie, eh Mr. President? You kind of misjudged that one, señor.

At least I hope Obama misjudged their end game because if he had even an inkling that they would quickly blossom into full-blown anti-America/Israel hate machines then that would make some folks think that our president … um … uh … doesn’t have our … how shall I say … our best interests or our allies’ best interests at heart.

I’ve gotta admit that at the beginning of the Arab Spring I thought these freedom lovers seemed a bubble off level. I mean … I didn’t want to judge, but I wasn’t getting that Jeffersonian vibe from the video feeds coming across the wire; it was stuff like burning the American flag, raping one of our female correspondents, looting their pyramids and decapitating multitudinous mummies that caused me some consternation.

But that’s just me, and who am I? I could be wrong. Or a racist. Or both. Maybe the Arab Spring—like Obama’s economic policies—just needs a little more time to pan out. That’s probably it.

However, the events of this past week in Cairo and Benghazi on September 11th kind of make me feel like this “Spring” is stuck on stupid, and now, thanks to Obama’s backing, we have one violent, jacked-up mess on our hands—one that won’t be remedied easily … and one to which we can point to the president as someone who built that. ... built_that

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:09 pm 
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While these clueless leftoids bother themselves with Sarah Palins emails...

Media ignore Obama attack
on ‘those who slander the Prophet of Islam’

Fox News, by Dan Gainor

President Obama spoke to the UN Tuesday, but what he had to say depended on the media outlet reporting it. It was about “optics” according to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow; “free speech” said CBS’s Nancy Cordes and Iran, explained NBC’s Chuck Todd.

Not that they’re wrong. It was a 4,000-word speech. Obama covered a lot of ground. But the ground the major media covered conveniently left out was the most provocative line of the entire speech.

The president told the UN that the “future must not belong” to a series of people including “corrupt” leaders and those who “bully women.” But one line from that list stood out. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

That line appeared almost nowhere in the old media where Obama’s supposed defense of free speech dominated. The broadcast networks ignored it and only Jake Tapper noted that Team Obama had also tried to get the video pulled from YouTube for violation of “terms of use.” The New York Times skipped the line, ironically in an article headlined: “Obama Tells U.N. New Democracies Need Free Speech.”

If you wanted a clear indication that few news outlets are even aware conservatives exist, this was it.

Read more: ... z27bXj3hZC

"not slandering the Prophet"

TRANSLATION - SHUT DOWN free speech in this country.

and would you believe a couple of these ignorant mutherfucking DUMBObots call others ''ignorant''?

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:00 pm 
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Moby Grape wrote:
"not slandering the Prophet"

TRANSLATION - SHUT DOWN free speech in this country.

and would you believe a couple of these ignorant mutherfucking DUMBObots call others ''ignorant''?

I don't know if you noticed or not Moby, but the libtards on this board, don't actually read our posts.

Me you and at least 2 other people can post something to this board and they will still be ignorant of the information.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:11 pm 
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-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:

Me you and at least 2 other people can post something to this board and they will still be ignorant of the information.[/b]

the only thing they pay attention to is gub'mint handouts and Barrys love letters...

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

 Post subject: Re: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:44 am 
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Barack Obama: President and Protector of Islam's Prophet
American Thinker, by Andrew E. Harrod

United States President Barack Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly this past week, on September 25, 2012. During his remarks on his country's role in international relations, Obama, in the midst of his comments otherwise within the mainstream of American discussions, proclaimed that the "future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." This single phrase entails deeply disturbing implications for the defense of free speech critical of Islam against multiplying threats from various adherents of this faith. This statement also introduces intellectual confusion into the rest of Obama's remarks extolling individual freedom while condemning bigotry and insults. This philosophical quagmire ultimately is resolvable only through reflection upon Obama's presumed future troubling policy course.

Obama's reference to Islam's prophet Muhammad came amidst a series of cited future threats to global social well-being. "On so many issues," Obama outlined, "we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past." "The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt," Obama's rhetorical litany began -- "it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, 'Muslims, Christians, we are one.'" Nor must the "future ... belong to those who bully women" or "to those corrupt few who steal a country's resources" or "to those who turn their backs on a prospect of peace" in the Arab-Israeli conflict or "to a dictator who massacres his people" in Syria.

Read more: ... z27sFmzwGI

Has Obama ever won a free and fair election based on the merits of his ideas?

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