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 Post subject: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:37 am 
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A religious rarity

Calendar brings celebrations for Jewish, Western and Orthodox Christians together in same week

I thought of a number of ways to comment on this occurrence but if there will be a pre-tribulation rapture sounds like a nice time to have one. It's the celebration of the Exodus as well as the first resurrection so why not the 2nd resurrection, or Exodus if you will. Of course a rapture in the near future will probably mean that Obama is the Antichrist and that the US is Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots so if you're still around you probably will be looking for any excuse not to believe the prophesies. Not sure what excuse will be given. People have speculated about it being explained away as anything from alien abduction to an act of war.

Another possibility is Yom Kippur. I can see how this would make sense.

In case you were curious:

# Jewish Year 5771: sunset September 17, 2010 - nightfall September 18, 2010
# Jewish Year 5772: sunset October 7, 2011 - nightfall October 8, 2011
# Jewish Year 5773: sunset September 25, 2012 - nightfall September 26, 2012

But personally I feel that a better candidate for the rapture of the church could occur on the Jewish day some have called "The Day that No One Knows" which is actually 2 days long. You may know it better as Rosh Hashanah, Feast of the Trumpets,. Even if true, no one knows the year. The comparison to the well quoted words of Jesus that no one knows the day or the hour is that on this day in Judaism nobody officially knows when the day starts until the religious authority says it does.

Number of days

The Hebrew Bible defines Rosh Hashanah as a one-day observance, and since days in the Hebrew calendar begin at sundown, the beginning of Rosh Hashanah is at sundown at the end of 29 Elul. The rules of the Hebrew calendar are designed such that the first day of Rosh Hashanah will never occur on the first, fourth, or sixth day of the Jewish week[9] (i.e., Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday).

Since the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE and the time of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, normative Jewish law appears to be that Rosh Hashanah is to be celebrated for two days, due to the difficulty of determining the date of the new moon.[7] Nonetheless, there is some evidence that Rosh Hashanah was celebrated on a single day in Israel as late as the thirteenth century CE.[10] Orthodox, Conservative Judaism, and Reconstructionist Judaism now generally observe Rosh Hashanah for the first two days of Tishrei, even in Israel where all other Jewish holidays dated from the new moon last only one day. The two days of Rosh Hashanah are said to constitute "Yoma Arichtah" (Aramaic: "one long day"). The observance of a second day is a later addition and does not follow from the literal reading of Leviticus. In Reform Judaism, some communities only observe the first day of Rosh Hashanah, while others observe two days. Karaite Jews, who do not recognize Rabbinic Jewish oral law and rely on their own understanding of the Bible, observe only one day on the first of Tishrei, since the second day is not mentioned in the Torah. This holiday is considered to be one of the more important Jewish holidays

Main article: Shofar

Laws on the form and use of the shofar and laws related to the religious services during the festival of Rosh Hashanah are described in Rabbinic literature such as the Mishnah that formed the basis of the tractate "Rosh HaShana" in both the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud. This also contains the most important rules concerning the calendar year.

Historical origins

In the earliest times the Hebrew year began in autumn with the opening of the economic year. There followed in regular succession the seasons of seed-sowing, growth and ripening of the corn (here meaning any grain) under the influence of the former and the latter rains, harvest and ingathering of the fruits. In harmony with this was the order of the great agricultural festivals, according to the oldest legislation, namely, the feast of unleavened bread at the beginning of the barley harvest, in the month of Aviv; the feast of harvest, seven weeks later; and the feast of ingathering at the going out or turn of the year. "Aviv" literally means "Spring". (See Exodus 23:14-17; Deuteronomy 16:1-16).

It is likely that the new year was celebrated from ancient times in some special way. The earliest reference to such a custom is, probably, in the account of the vision of Ezekiel (Ezek 40:1). This took place at the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month (Tishri). On the same day the beginning of the year of jubilee was to be proclaimed by the blowing of trumpets (Lev 25:9). According to the Septuagint rendering of Ezek 44:20, special sacrifices were to be offered on the first day of the seventh month as well as on the first day of the first month. This first day of the seventh month was appointed by the Law to be "a day of blowing of trumpets". There was to be a holy convocation; no servile work was to be done; and special sacrifices were to be offered (Lev 23:23-25; Num 29:1-6). This day was not expressly called New-Year's Day, but it was evidently so regarded by the Jews at a very early period.

# Jewish Year 5771: sunset September 8, 2010 - nightfall September 10, 2010
# Jewish Year 5772: sunset September 28, 2011 - nightfall September 30, 2011
# Jewish Year 5773: sunset September 16, 2012 - nightfall September 18, 2012

As it it written the trumpet will sound so both holidays seem to have merit for consideration. Obviously we will see. But it cannot be ignored that a number of end time events would seem to already be in place today, but of course that's for another discussion. I do not believe it would be just any old day as some churchs tend to believe. I think that was probably more to instill an urgency for vigilance.

Another thing to consider.,_Feast_of

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, literally "head of the year," , Israeli: Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈʁoʃ haʃaˈna], Ashkenazic: ˈɾoʃ haʃːɔˈnɔh, Yiddish: [ˈrɔʃəˈʃɔnə]) is a Jewish holiday commonly referred to as the "Jewish New Year." It is observed on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar.[1] It is ordained in the Torah as "Zicaron Terua" ("a memorial with the blowing of horns", in Leviticus 23:24. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), or Asseret Yemei Teshuva (Ten Days of Repentance) which are days specifically set aside to focus on repentance that conclude with the holiday of Yom Kippur.

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:04 am 
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Of course it will be explained away. I am thinking that it will be blamed on an alien abduction, or some kind of mysterious disease that only Christians get. :shock: Another explanation, which would be a way to totally diss the Christians, would be to say that it was a mass suicide by some kind of disintegration pill, and that the Christians killed their own children and other innocents with them. Remember Jonestown? The cult members killed their kids, and then took their own lives.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:19 pm 
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The one reason the alien abduction excuse seems plausible is the number of people who claim to have seen "a UFO," not necessarily the so-called greys. The greys seem to more often than not be found in accounts from people under hypnosis and are generally consistent accounts. From what I've seen reported about their purported sightings they seem more like a type of demon or something from the underworld kingdom. Some accounts have associated them with a foul sulfur like smell with behavior that can easily be riled to anger.

The alien abduction theory does offer a quick explanation for no physical evidence other than perhaps lots of empty clothing and vacant vehicles and such. I'm not sure if vacancy that part will happen, as it's obviously just speculation. But that begs the question of what happens to planes in the sky, trains running down the tracks, cars on highways. Could it be that something might coincide with the event to limit these situations? Perhaps the whole world on watch for a nuclear attack or an incoming meteor? I think a massive solar flare being predicted could accomplish that worldwide ground stop as they can throw electronics into chaos.

As for mass suicide theories again you have the problem of an absence of corpses. So that one would be a tough sell.

Here is probably a more likely approach to the problem. The "authorities" might claim that these are good people who finally reached some type of evolutionary advancement to a higher plane of existence to watch over mankind as it strives to improve. They misunderstood the things of the religious texts by taking allegories as literal accounts but that was but a minor misconception and was not sufficient to prevent them from moving up. Now we must all band together as one to fill in the slack from their departure and to bring ourselves to reach that same stage of enlightenment.

Well whatever excuse is used I'm sure someone has thought it out and has a contingency plan in place "just in case" Christians were right. I'm pretty sure they will want to calm the people and with no enemy to blame to extract revenge (how can you fight alien spaceships if they are evil?) will want the masses to feel their loved ones are better off and suffered no pain.

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:20 pm 
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If you all disappear, who will witness to the rest of us?

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:26 pm 
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karent wrote:
If you all disappear, who will witness to the rest of us?


Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Hawaii. His father, Barack Obama, Sr. was from Kenya, and grew up herding goats. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was from Wichita, Kansas, but her family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, when she was in high school. Barack's mother and father divorced when Barack was three years old. His father moved back to Kenya, and his mother stayed in Hawaii to raise Barack, Jr.
Barack's mother remarried a man from Indonesia, Lolo Soetoro, when Barack was six years old. The new family soon moved from Hawaii to Jakarta, Indonesia. In 1970, Barack's half-sister, Maya, was born.

Barack went to school in Jakarta, where classes were taught in the Indonesian language. To make sure that Barack stayed fluent in English, Barack's mother would wake him early every morning to practice the language. Young Barack complained, but his mother persisted.

When he was 10 years old, Barack was sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents and attend a new school, The Punahou Academy. Barack grew close to his grandparents, but at school, Barack felt like he stood out. He soon found ways to fit in, however. He became an honor student and also a very good basketball player.

Barack Obama's mother and sister moved back to Hawaii to be with Barack in 1972. The family stayed together for four years, until Barack's mother decided to return to Indonesia to help the people there. Barack decided to stay behind in Hawaii with his grandparents. He was 14 years old.

After Barack graduated from The Punahou Academy, Barack moved to California to go to school at Occidental College. After two years there, Barack decided to go to a different school. This time he moved to New York City, and attended Columbia University, where he studied politics. He graduated in 1983.

After he finished college, Barack wanted to help people. He looked for a job as a community organizer, a person who brings people together to fight for their rights and needs. For three years, Barack worked as a community organizer in Chicago. He helped churches and housing project leaders make the community a better place.

In 1988, Barack decided to become a lawyer. He moved to Boston, and went to school at Harvard University Law School. At Harvard, he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. While he was going to school, he met another lawyer named Michelle Robinson. Barack and Michelle fell in love. After Barack graduated from law school in 1991, he and Michelle married. They had two daughters together: Malia and Natasha.

Barack and his family moved together to Chicago, and Barack began working as a civil rights lawyer. Civil rights lawyers protect people from receiving unfair and unequal treatment. He also continued his work as a community organizer, taught lawyers at the University of Chicago, and helped people register to vote. He also wrote a book about his life, called Dreams from My Father.

Barack's wife Michelle also worked to help people. She led a training program that taught young adults new skills so that they could get jobs. She also helped the University of Chicago start a community service program, and worked for the University of Chicago Hospitals.

In 1996, Barack Obama ran a campaign to become a Democratic Illinois state senator. He won the election, and was re-elected in 1998 and again in 2002. Then in 2004, Barack ran a campaign to become a United States senator. He gave a speech in front of many politicians at the Democratic National Convention, and asked the American people to become united and forget their differences. The speech was very popular, and helped Barack win 70 percent of the votes, and the election.

In 2006, Barack wrote a second book. It was called The Audacity of Hope. In the book, Barack talked about his political ideas and the future of America. The book won many awards, and has been translated into more than 10 languages including Italian, Russian and Indonesian.

In 2008, Barack Obama decided to run for President of the United States. He ran against Republican John McCain. On November 4, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States of America. He is the first African-American president of the nation. He is also the first Hawaiian president!

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:15 pm 
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I don't know what they teach people of other faiths, but back when I was going to church our preacher (was a Baptist) suggested it was the Pope. And I've found quite a bit of evidence that if it is anybody that it would be the pope. Consider this:

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” -- Matthew 7:15

A serious warning from God’s Word for all Catholics:
A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name." -- Revelation 14:9-11

The Bible says:

The antichrist has been here since the first century (1John 2:18, 1John 4:3)

The antichrist will still be here when Jesus Christ returns (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

The antichrist cannot be a single personality because the antichrist has been here almost 2000 years so far.

The antichrist must be an office or a position of authority

The antichrist will not occupy a temple in Jerusalem but will occupy a place amongst what might initially appear to be the body of Christ. The antichrist will sit as the head of this false church. (2 Thessalonians 2:4)

There is only one possibility that can fulfill all these prophesies. And the pope is the only possible position that fulfills all of these scriptural prophesies.

But just as Jesus Christ is the only possible fulfillment of who was to be the Messiah, so too, the pope is the only possible fulfillment of who would be the antichrist. And still millions of people are blind to both!

Roman Catholics see the pope as Christ’s vicar, which means, substitute. The pope’s Latin title is Vicarius Filii Dei, which means "Substitute for the Son of God." In the Greek, "antichrist" simply means "in the place of Christ" Thus, by very definition, the pope IS the antichrist.

The word "Pope" means "Father." The word "Father" as a title was forbidden by Jesus Christ:

“And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.” --Matthew 23:9

"Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; -Revelation 18:4

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:17 am 
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I don't know what they teach people of other faiths, but back when I was going to church our preacher (was a Baptist) suggested it was the Pope. And I've found quite a bit of evidence that if it is anybody that it would be the pope.

Most baptists, or at least many, do not accept Catholic as a valid Christian religion. But you already knew that. But about the Pope being Antichrist as I have said he would be the false prophet, the spiritual leader who gives his power to the beast. If that is the Pope then he would be a defector from the faith.

As I have said about the Antichrist I feel he won't actually assume the role of Antichrist until after he suffers a head wound and miraculously recovers. But that doesn't mean he can't move into position and set things up before this happens. At the very least it can be argued that Obama is setting things up for global rule by his policies and in spite of the Constitution. There is every indication that he can become the Antichrist and there is nothing known about him that can disqualify him from becoming the man of perdition.

Now I can see how the reference to "head wound" could be a metaphor but I feel it is more literal and possibly both a metaphor and a literal reference. Some have held a belief that when the Antichrist sits in the rebuilt Jewish Templee and claims he is G-d that will be his revealing. Using a bad analogy I look at it this way. We vote in an election and we know who our President should be come January but until he actually takes the oath of office it's not official.

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:20 am 
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I personally do not believe world has gotten bad enough for the return of Jesus and the rise of the Antichrist.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:46 pm 
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Chairman Mao wrote:
I personally do not believe world has gotten bad enough for the return of Jesus and the rise of the Antichrist.

I guess it depends on your perspective. Looking out your back window is hardly a fair perspective of the world. But if all the Christians were removed suddenly along with any positive influence they may afford society I can only imagine how much worse things can get soon.

Just look at what is. We already have the A-bomb and nuclear power which scares the heck out of some folks. But what happens as scientists continue researching the creation process and perhaps one day accidentally might create a big bang of their own right on earth? Now that possibility is not just science fiction anymore. What about all the starving people around the globe? What about study into designer babies created from manipulating DNA, not to mention cloning? Just look at how sickness spreads like wildfire these days because younger people have fewer antibodies and having been medicated for the littlest thing causing less resistance as strains gain more resistant. What happens when science allows people to live to be over 120 but the money to support them drys up before they hit 60?

I'm only saying the future doesn't seem quite as rosy to me as you may like to think simply because man is not G-d. Man looks with man's perspective and if we are so short-sided to commit to a healthcare plan in the US that will be broke before 10 years how much do you think I trust government to oversee ethics or life and death decisions?

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: Will You Believe Us If Millions of People Vanish?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:11 pm 
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Mirage wrote:
I'm only saying the future doesn't seem quite as rosy to me as you may like to think simply because man is not G-d.

I'm not saying the future is rosy. I reject the idea that the world was ever rosy to begin with is all.

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