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 Post subject: Tip # 4: How To Write Business Getting Ads
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 8:28 am 
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How To Write Business Getting Ads

by Susanna K. Hutcheson

Your most important job is getting new recruits and selling more product. If you don’t do that and keep doing it, you won’t be in business for long. Indeed, you won’t even have a business!

All recruiting and all sales begin with some form of advertising or marketing. To build sales and get recruits, your advertising must be seen or heard by potential buyers and recruits. It must cause them to react or respond to the advertising in some way.

Ads whether display or classified, print media, direct mail or even online, are generally an excellent way for network marketers to get new recruits and sell more product.

Ads shouldn’t represent your entire marketing strategy, of course. But it certainly should be a large part of it.

You will see ads in all business and network marketing trade magazines. You’ll see them in USA Today and many other newspapers.

Do they get business?

You bet they do! If they’re written from the reader’s perspective with his or her interest in mind — not the writers.

Generally, the “ad writer” wants the prospect to do one of the following:

1. Send for more information.
2. Place an order for product and/or
3. Join the company as a distributor.

To get the prospect to do what you want him to do you need to use a master formula.

That formula is:

Attract the attention of your prospect.
Interest your prospect in the opportunity and product.
Make your prospect want the product or opportunity OR make her want to know more about the product and/or opportunity.
Demand “action” from the prospect
Never forget the basic rule of advertising copywriting: If the ad is not read it won’t stimulate any sales; if it is not seen, it cannot be read, and if it does not command or grab the attention of the reader it will not be seen.

Most successful advertising copywriters know these fundamentals. Whether you know them already or you’re just now being exposed to them your knowledge and practice of these fundamentals will determine the extent of your success as your own copywriter.

And, of course, as I always say in this space, if you don’t think you can’t write the ad yourself; if you don’t think the ad you write will get business, you should hire a professional copywriter. Period.

the little ads with BIG results!

Classified ads are the ads from which many successful businesses are started. I recommend learning how to write a good classified ad since a classifeid ad can be easily adapted to postcards, banner ads and even e-mail. These small, relatively inexpensive ads give the new business owner or network marketer an opportunity to advertise his product or service without losing his shirt if the ad doesn’t pull.

And they won’t always pull. That’s right. Especially if you only run them one or two times. That’s not a smart idea. You might as well not run any at all. People need to see your ad repeatedly. You need to run it as often as you can and consecutively.

You should gage results immediately, of course. But don’t expect too much for several months if the ads run in a daily or weekly and perhaps more if you run in a monthly publication.

Classified ads should be written according to all the professional advertising rules. What is said in a classified ad is the same as in a display ad. The difference is, of course, the size and usually how you use the words.

You must use the very best words available because you have only a limited number of words that will fill the small space of a classified ad.

I’ve had people ask me why I charge so much to write a classified ad. I tell them that it takes more skill and very often more time to write an ad in less space than in more space. When you have a lot of space you can afford to use more verbiage and take more time to tell your story. But in a very tiny space each word is at a premium.

To begin to learn how to write good classified ads, clip ten classified ads from ten different publications — ads that you think are good. Paste each of these ads onto a separate sheet of paper.

Analyze each add. Has the writer got your attention? What is it about the ads that keep your interest? Are they provocative enough to cause you to what to know more about the product or opportunity being advertised? Finally, what action must you take? Are all of these points covered in the ad? How strongly are you “turned on” by each of these ads?

Rate the ads on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the best according to the formula I’ve given you. Now, just for practice, without clipping the ads, do the same thing with ten different ads from a Best Buy, Circuit City or Wards flyer. In fact, every ad you see from now on you should quickly analyze. Rate it somewhere on your scale. If you’ll practice this exercise on a regular basis you’ll soon be able to quickly recognize the “Power Points” of any ad you see. You’ll know whether an ad is good or bad and why it’s either good or bad.

Practice for an hour each day. Write the ads you’ve rated 8, 9, and 10 exactly as they’ve been written. This will give you the “feel” of the fundamentals and style necessary in writing classified ads.

Your next project will be to pick out what you consider to be the ten “worst” ads you can find in the classifieds sections.

Clip these out and paste them onto a sheet of paper so you can work with them. Read them over a couple of times. Then beside each of them write a short comment stating why you think it’s bad, lost in the crowd, doesn’t attract attention - doesn’t hold the reader’s interest - nothing special to make the reader want to own the product - no demand for action.

You probably already know what’s coming next. Get your pencil or pen, erasers and scratch paper - and start rewriting these ads to include the missing elements. Let your imagination fly! It’s fun. It’s also a real challenge. But it’s a really great learning experience and one you should undertake if you expect to write your own ads and moreover if you expect those ads to pull business for you.

Each day for the next month practice writing the ten best ads for an hour. Just the way they were originally written. Pick out ten of the worst ads and analyze them. Then practice rewriting them until they measure up to our formula.

Once you’re satisfied that the ads you’ve rewritten are perfect go back to each one and cross out the words that can be eliminated without detracting from the ad. Classified ads are almost always “finalized” in the style of a telegram. Use abbreviations where you can. This will save you space —- thus money. But only use abbreviations that you know people will understand!

EXAMPLE: If you want to make money and become wealthy this is your opportunity. Don’t let another day pass you buy. Call today for free information. The number to call is 555-678-8989.

EDITED FOR PUBLICATION: Make big money. Become wealthy. Call today. Free info. 555-678-8989.

CLASSIFIED AD: Save on your food bills! New MLM program can make it happen! Others will be excited about this opportunity and want to join too! Call me today for full free information. 555-678-8989.

EDITED FOR PUBLICATION: Save on Food! New MLM! Limited openings! Hurry! 555-678-8989!

It takes dedicated and regular practice, but you can do it. Just understand the basic formula. Practice reading and writing the good ones and rewriting the bad ones. Practice and keep at it, over and over, every day. The formula, the idea, and the feel of this kind of ad writing will become second nature to you. This is the ONLY WAY to gain expertise in writing good classified ads.

They’re bigger and often get more response.

A display or space ad differs from a classified ad. It often has a headline and is laid out in professional column inch form. Generally, these ads are seen before the classifieds simply because of their size and boldness of their headlines.

The fundamentals of writing display ads are exactly the same as for a classified ad. The basic difference is that you have more room in which to emphasize the “master formula.” Remember too that smaller display ads can make great postcards while larger one can make great flyers, sell sheets and even sales letters.

Most successful copywriters rate the headline and/or the lead sentence of an ad as the most important part of the ad. After all, when your ad is surrounded by hundreds of other ads and information or entertainment, what makes you think anyone is going to see it? You have to compel them to read your ad. And that takes talent and skill and practice.

The truth is, they’re not going to see your ad unless you can “grab” their attention and entice them to read the whole thing. Your headline, or lead sentence when no headline is used, has to make it more difficult for your prospect to ignore or pass over. You must make her want to read it more than she wants to read the ad or article next to it! And that’s not as easy as you might think. If you don’t capture the attention of your reader with your headline then anything that follows is useless effort and wasted money.

Successful advertising headlines.

In classified ads your first three to five words serve as your headline. The headline promises to show you how to save money, make money, or attain a desired goal. They should make a promise or give a warning.

EXAMPLE OF A PROMISE: Are You Ready To Become A Millionaire - In Just 18 Months?

EXAMPLE OF A WARNING: Do You Make These Mistakes In network marketing?

In both of these examples I’ve posed a question as the headline. Headlines that ask a question seem to attract the reader’s attention almost as surely as a moth is drawn to a flame. Once he’s seen the question he just can’t seem to keep himself from reading the rest of the ad to find out the answer. The best headline questions are those that challenge the reader; that involve her self-esteem, and do not let her dismiss your question with a simple yes or no.

“You’ll be the envy of your friends” is another kind of “reader appeal” to incorporate into your headline whenever appropriate. The appeal has to do with basic psychology: everyone wants to be well thought of and consequently they will read the body of your ad to find out how he can gain the respect and accolades of his friends.
Wherever and whenever possible use colloquialisms or words that are not usually found in advertisements. The idea is to Shock or shake the reader out of his reverie and cause him to take notice of your ad. Most of the headlines you see have certain sameness with just the words rearranged. The reader may see these headlines with his eyes but his brain fails to focus on any of them because there’s nothing different or out of the ordinary to arrest his attention.

EXAMPLE OF COLLOQUIALISM: Are you having trouble concentrating?

Another attention-grabber kind of headline is the comparative price headline: Three for Only $3, Regularly $3 each! Still another of the “tried and proven” kind of headlines is the specific question: Do You Suffer From These Symptoms. And of course, if you offer a strong guarantee, you should say so in your headline: Your Money Refunded If You Don’t Make $100,000 Your First Year!
How To headlines have a very strong basic appeal to and should, at times, be used. But in some cases they’re better used as book titles than advertising headlines. For example, you might consider a head that says How to become a millionaire in 1 year!

You should use the word “you” in your headline and throughout your copy as much as you can. Your ad, after all, is directed to one person. And the person reading your ad wants to feel that you’re talking to him personally, not everyone who reads the publication. Your reader thinks in terms of himself. He’s going to read what may make a difference to him. He’s going to respond to ads that may do something for him. So keep that in mind as you write your ad.

Personalize and be specific! You can throw the teachings of your English teachers out the window. Forget grammar. End sentences with of and on and for. Write like your reader talks. Whenever you sit down to write advertising copy intended to pull the orders and sell the product and recruit new people you should picture yourself in a one-on-one situation and “talk” to your reader just as if you sitting across from him at your dining room table. Say what you mean and sell HIM or HER on the product and opportunity. Be specific and ask her if these are the things that bother her - are these the things she wants - and she’s the one you want to buy the product and become interested in your opportunity.

The layout for your ad should also command attention. Either make it so spectacular that it stands out like lobster at a chili dinner or so uncommonly simple that it catches the reader’s eye because of its very lucidity. It’s also important that you don’t get cute and use lots of unnecessary graphics and artwork. Your ad should convey the feeling of excitement and movement. It shouldn’t tire the eyes or disrupt the flow of the message. Any graphics or artwork you use should be relevant to your product, its use and/or the copy you’ve written about it. Graphics should not be used as artistic touches or to create an atmosphere. Any illustrations with your ad should compliment your product or opportunity. It should prove or substantiate specific points in your copy.

Once you have your reader’s attention, the only way you’re going to keep it is by quickly and emphatically telling them what your product will do for them.

Your potential buyer doesn’t care how long it’s taken you to produce the product, how long you’ve been in business, or how many years you’ve spent with your company. He wants to know specifically how he’s going to benefit from taking advantage of your opportunity or buying your product. It’s just that basic and just that simple.

Generally, reader’s wants will fall into one of the following categories: Better health, more comfort, more money, more leisure time, more popularity, greater beauty, success and/or security.

Even though you have your reader’s attention, you must follow through with an enumeration of the benefits he can gain. In essence, you must reiterate the advantages, comfort and happiness she’ll enjoy - as you have implied in your headline. And be sure to address one or more of the basic needs.

In network marketing, needs such as more time-freedom and more financial freedom are big inducers. So use them when you can. But if you sell a health product you can also stress the health benefits of your product.

Mentally picture your prospect as you produce your ad. Determine his or her wants and emotional needs - put yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself. “If I were reading this ad what are the things that would appeal to me?” Write your copy to appeal to your reader’s wants and emotional needs.

Remember that it’s not the “safety features” that have sold cars for the past 50 years - nor the need of transportation. It has been, and almost certainly always will be, the advertising writer’s recognition of people’s wants and emotional needs/ego cravings. Notice how many television commercials, for example, use sex to sell everything from cars to soap. They’re not so much selling cars as they are the need for people to feel sexy and appealing.

Visualize your prospects, recognize their wants and set about to satisfy them. Writing good advertising copy is nothing more than knowing “who” your buyers are, recognizing what they want and then telling them how your product and your opportunity will fulfill each of those wants.

The “desire” portion of your ad is where you present the facts of your product. You should create desire and justify your prospect’s conviction — cause readers to demand “a piece of the action” for themselves. Make them want your opportunity more than they want to ignore it.

The more facts you can present in the ad the more credible your offer. As you write this part of your ad always remember that the more facts about the product and opportunity you present, the more product you’ll sell and the more people you’ll recruit into your downline. People want facts as reasons and/or excuses for doing something that will cost money. They need justification. So be sure and give it to them. People don’t like to be sold. They like to buy.

The difference is that being sold is passive. Buying is active. In other words, the “desire” portion of your ad has to build belief and credibility in the mind of your prospect. It has to assure him of his good judgment in the final decision to buy - furnish evidence of the benefits you’ve promised - and afford her a “safety net” in case anyone should question her decision to buy your product or join your downline.

People tend to believe the things that appeal to their individual desires, fears and other emotions. Once you’ve established a belief in this manner, logic and reasoning are used to support it. People believe what they “want” to believe. Your readers “want” to believe your ad if they’ve read it through to the end. It’s up to you to support their initial desire.

Study your product and opportunity and everything about it. Visualize the wants of your prospective buyers/recruits. Dig up the facts and you’ll almost always find plenty of them to support the reader’s reasons for taking advantage of your opportunity.

Here is where you use testimonials or endorsements. It’s also important that you present these test results, sales figures, and/or testimonials - from the consumer point of view and not that of the company. Before you end this portion of your ad and get into your demand for action, summarize everything you’ve presented thus far. Draw a mental picture for your potential buyer. Let them imagine being a part of the company and earning lots of money, having lots of free time.

Induce him to visualize all of the benefits you’ve promised. Give him the keys to seeing himself richer, enjoying luxury, having time to do whatever he’d like to do, and with all of his dreams fulfilled. Try to remember what attracted you to the opportunity.

Was it the product? The commission schedule. The reputation of the company?

This can be handled in one or two sentences or at least a paragraph or more; It’s the ingredient you must include prior to closing the sale. Study all the sales presentations you’ve ever heard - look at every winning ad – this is the element included in all of them that actually makes the sale for you. (The sale being the reader asking for more information or joining your downline.)

Every one of the fundamentals in the “master formula” is necessary. Those people who are “easy” to sell may perhaps be sold even if some of these factors are left out. But it’s wiser to plan your advertisement so that it will have a powerful impact upon those who are “hardest” to sell. Unlike face-to-face selling, we cannot in printed advertising come to a “trial close” in our sales talk.

We must assume we’re talking to the hardest to sell. Very often we are. We’re also in competition with many other people —- some of them selling the very same opportunity we are. So our ad must be the best!


Lots of ads are beautiful — almost perfectly written — and quite convincing. But they fail to ask for or demand action from the reader. If you want the reader to become a member of your downline, buy your product or request information, you must tell him so and demand that he contact you — not tomorrow — but right now!

Unless you enjoy entertaining your prospects with your beautiful writing skills always demand that she take action right now. Have her call a telephone number or rush to the post office to mail a card, send you a fax, send an e-mail or visit your Web site. But make him do something and do it now!
Here is an example of demanding action:
All of this can be yours! You can start enjoying this new way of life immediately just by calling 555-678-8989. Or, send the faxback in right now. Don’t put it off. If you miss this you’ll kick yourself and later wish you had gotten in on the ground floor. Act now, and as an “early-bird” we’ll include a big bonus package - absolutely free, simply for acting immediately! You win all the way! We take all the risks.

Offering a reward of some kind will almost always cause the prospect to take action. However, in mentioning the reward or bonus, be very careful that you don’t end up getting people who just want something free. The bonus should be mentioned only casually.

Too often people get overly enthusiastic in writing their ads and to pull in a record number of responses they confuse the reader by forgetting about the product and opportunity and devote they entire space that’s allotted for the “demand for action” to sending for the bonus. Any reward offered should be closely related to the product and a bonus offered only for immediate action on the part of the potential buyer.

Specify a time limit. Tell your prospect that he must act within a certain time limit or lose out on the bonus, face probably higher prices, or even the withdrawal of your offer. This is always a good hook to get action.

The action you want your prospect to take should be easy and clearly stated and devoid of any complicated procedural steps on his part.

Picture your prospect, very comfortable in his favorite easy chair, idly flipping through a magazine while “half-watching” TV. He notices your ad, reads through it and he’s sold on your product and opportunity.

Now what does he do?

Remember, he’s very comfortable - you’ve “grabbed” his attention, sparked his interest, painted a picture of him enjoying a new kind of satisfaction, and he’s ready to buy want to investigate more. Anything and everything you ask or cause him to do is going to disrupt this aura of comfort and contentment. Whatever he must do had better be simple, quick and easy!

There you have it — a complete course on how to write ads that will pull more business for you – get you more recruits and sell more product. It’s important to learn “why” ads are written as they are and to understand and use the “master formula” in your own ad writing endeavors.

Now that you have the knowledge and understand what makes advertising copy work you should be able to quickly develop your copyrighting abilities to produce business-pulling ads for yourself. But once you do become proficient in writing ads for your own opportunity you must never stop “noticing” how ads are written, designed and put together by other people. To stop learning would be comparable to shutting yourself off from the rest of the world.

The best ad writers are people in touch with the world in which they live. Every time they see a good ad they clip it out and save it. Regularly, they pull out these files of good ads and study them. They always analyze what makes them good, and why they work. There’s no school in the country that can give you the same kind of education and expertise so necessary in the field of ad writing. You must keep yourself up-to-date, aware of, and in-the-know about the other guy - his innovations, style changes, and the methods he’s using to sell his products. On-the-job-training - study and practice - that’s what it takes - and if you’ve got that burning ambition to succeed, you can do it too!

Finally, let’s end by saying that you are a network marketer or small business owner — not a copywriter. Many people write their own ads and are quite successful at it. But if you don’t have the time or the desire or if you feel you simply don’t want to learn how to create effective ads, you should call a professional copywriter.

Your marketing is the most important part of your business. Without the right sort of marketing, without professional marketing, you won’t get any business. And without people calling to find out about your product or opportunity you have no business at all.

In Liberty,

Nomen Nescio


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