Northwest Indiana Discussion

Consultants make the bucks.
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Author:  newsflashkid [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Consultants make the bucks.

Look at the vast amount of money we have paid over the years for so called consultants. The Gary Airport-The Ship Canal- The E911 project-Cline Avenue extension-The Little Calumet project and many more . Just how many projects have run big time over the proposed budget. They have named so called consultants to projects that don't even know their right foot from the left. The current project is that E911 one. They had 5 years to complete that and they are now worried they won't have it working by the deadline as outlined. Mark my words this project is heading for disaster. There consultant is paid around $27400 per hour. How long has he been on the job and what has he been paid so far. What does he have for qualifications? Except political pull.

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