Northwest Indiana Discussion

I think Joel Osteen is rubbing off! Change your thinking!
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Author:  justcallmetommy [ Wed May 14, 2014 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  I think Joel Osteen is rubbing off! Change your thinking!

I had a vision earlier this morning... the wonderful thing about living outside, each day provides a new awakening. A visitor to the campfire stayed the night, we chatted long into the morning. Birds chirping, damp mist, low lying fog creeping thru the field, made you think about how meaning less you and I really are.

This train of thought brought forward a vision....

The true meaning of life is to assure the McDermotts, the Krusa's, the Kaplans, the Raco's, Hamm's, have every one of their needs met, economic wealth, security and really you and I should be paying for it, even paying more, because they are special.

Now you think I am kidding? Absolutely not. I've come to the realization, Tom McDermott deserves everything he takes.... really.

All along I, freetime, lulu and others have been having the wrong thinking. We have been placed on this earth to pay tribute to the McDermott's, the JED's, of Hammond because they are the chosen ones.

So if a McDermott is a minority partner in a new restaurant which requires an $820,000 bond deal for their portion of the franchise, hell it ain't enough.... double the bond... they deserve it.

We need to change our thinking!

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